Welcome to Keep It Up!
Keep It Up! (KIU!) is an online sexual health program designed by and for young gay, bisexual, and queer men. Our mission is to provide young men with a fresh, relatable, and convenient experience that leaves a lasting positive impact for generations to come.
Vetted by thousands of YMSM across the U.S.
Decrease in Condomless Sex
States with KIU! Participants
Decrease in STIs
Have Fun, Stay Safe, Keep It Up!
KIU! uses non-judgmental, real-life scenarios to help participants reflect and take action on choices surrounding sex and your sexual health.
The KIU! intervention is relevant to modern topics such as navigating online dating, the role of drugs and alcohol in sex, and building a strong LGBTQ+ community. Check out the trailer for Keep It Up!
Find your own way to Keep It Up!
You think the Keep It Up! program may be for you? Learn more about the KIU! content and connect with resources.
You are a member of a Community-Based Organization (CBO) and are interested in engaging your community in Keep It Up!
You are interested in learning about Keep It Up! as a current or potential funder. Read about effectiveness, cost data, and more.
Program Overview
Keep It Up! is a CDC evidence-based intervention delivered online through 5 different episodes that include interactive comics, a multi-part short film, a choose-your-own-adventure game, and more.